The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 50 - Secrets

The rescue had arrived. A frantic Magnus jumped out of the hound drawn coach, and behind him was an equally worried Artemus.

"Are you two okay?" The fire mage was checking on Lucien like a fussy mother hen. "Why didn\'t you come home?"

"Big brother got us lost."

"Get inside. We can talk on the way back." Artemus instructed the boys. Then with a pop, he fired off a green flare into the sky that exploded in a shrill whistle.

"What\'s that about?" Syryn asked from inside the coach.

The anti mage shut the door after entering last. He filled the empty seat next to Syryn and explained. "When Magnus and Alka failed to find you in the neighbourhood, they contacted a few people for help. The flare is the signal to let them know you\'ve both been found safe and sound."

"Few people? More like thirty-five students from school and about six from Winter Fortress, plus some hired mages from the guild." Magnus added. "You\'ve got some explaining to do children."

Syryn inwardly cringed at the number of people Magnus had quoted. He had caused an embarrassing situation and Red would never let him live it down.

"I wanted to go look at the place that Artemus generously offered to me but- I seemed to have taken a wrong turn. That\'s it. That\'s the explanation."

Artemus slowly turned to Syryn, an expression reminiscent of that on Red\'s face when he had realised how much Syryn had messed up. "That\'s on the North-East end. How did you end up South West?"

"That\'s my fault," Syryn then whipped his head up to the boy curled up in Magnus\' lap. "We\'ve been going in circles. I thought you were leading us in the right direction!"

"Big brother, what are you talking about?" Red replied innocently. He was getting really good at imitating Luci.

"Syryn Nigh\'hart, are you for real?" Magnus was aghast. "You actually followed this kid and believed that you\'d reach the other end of Elysium, in a day, just walking on your tiny legs? Do you have any idea how enormous this city is?"

Syryn chose to stare out the window and blend in with the seat. He could feel two pairs of judgemental eyes boring into him.

"No one\'s perfect Magnus, not even big brother," Red solemnly informed the fire mage. Syryn wondered if it was a compliment or just the little shit being a sarcastic piece of turd.

"This is the second time I\'ve found you lost on the streets. I won\'t recommend a pi-cal disc because of its security flaws but I think you need a tracker spell or some kind of map on you," Artemus suggested. "If you are amenable to it, I can get you something."

Syryn would take any help he could get. With an ashamed nod, the mage who was desperate to change the tracks of their conversation found a topic he could tackle. He pulled out a stack of parchment from his satchel and held it out to Artemus.

"I\'ve written down all the information I know about Traxdart and his underlings. Their weaknesses, strengths, personalities, powers and anything else relevant has been recorded in detail. You\'ll also find an explanation of the three horns of Galen and how they plan to use them to open a gate from Ixu. We must sabotage their plans at the root of it all. If the horns of Galen are destroyed, he will have to find another way to bring his army to our plane."

The anti mage received it and tucked it into the inner pocket of his coat that opened up like a dimensional pocket. Syryn was instantly jealous. If he had such a coat, he wouldn\'t need to lug around his satchel.

"Thank you Syryn. With your permission, I will share the information with my superiors."

The alchemist waved a hand tiredly, "I leave it to you to decide what is best. Just keep me updated on the progress of whatever actions the mage hunters decide to take. How will you explain where you got the information from?"

Artemus was confident about the plan he had come up with. He would ensure that Syryn could stay in the background and remain an anonymous informant.

"Mage hunters have a ground network of spies and informants whose identities are only known to their handlers. I\'m marking you down as a high level defected member of the Orc\'s Claw. Considering their links to the demonic side, it\'s a cover that won\'t cause much suspicion. As long as I remain your handler, we won\'t have to give away your identity."

"Can you two discuss this when I\'m not around?" Magnus edged away as far as he could within the confines of the coach. There was a high probability that Artemus would lock him down with a confidentiality spell after this ride.

"Syryn trusts you enough to speak about it in your presence so I\'ll defer to his judgement," the anti mage replied.

"Assuming that your bosses accept the information and decide to act on it, will I be allowed to accompany the dispatched hunters?" Syryn drew the anti mage\'s attention back to him.

"Most likely not. This will officially turn into mage hunter business so it stays within the organisation. Trust me Syryn, there are competent and resourceful people working in the group. With your information, it will be so much easier to stop the demons - so you don\'t have to get your hands dirty. Live your childhood like you\'re meant to." Artemus added the last part as an afterthought.

There was something to be said about caring men who just wanted the best for the people around them. Syryn fondly smiled at the anti mage who kept proving again and again just how thoughtful he was about Syryn\'s well being.

"I\'ll leave it to you then. If there\'s any other way that I can help, do not hesitate to ask." Syryn replied. "Especially if you find a fire demon."

The sense of curiosity that had been buried under propriety came to the surface. Artemus rubbed circles on the silver button of his coat and hesitated to ask because of their lack of privacy. "The potion you\'ve been feeding me has demon blood in it, doesn\'t it?"

Syryn\'s answering smile was wicked. "There\'s a little bit of demonic essence inside you Artemus. Careful when you\'re visiting the temple of Eos."

Discomfited by the revelation, the anti mage asked, "Yours?"

"When have you ever seen me wield flames?" Syryn replied.

It wasn\'t a denial but Syryn wasn\'t volunteering any more answers so the anti mage refrained from prodding for more.

"We\'re here." As soon as they came to a halt, Magnus evacuated the coach with Lucien slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He had the good sense to know that too much information got its listener into trouble.

"You should have asked me to take you to the estate if you wanted to see it," the anti mage spoke when Magnus was out of earshot.

"I probably should have. I\'ll look at it another time with Alka though so you don\'t have to worry about it." Syryn sheepishly replied. "And Artemus- thank you. Not just for the unnecessarily grand payment but also for everything else."

"It\'s the least I can do. Goodnight Syryn." The alchemist could see that Artemus was uncomfortable and looking to get out of the conversation that was veering too close to sappy.

Syryn leaned forward and placed a light peck on the anti mage\'s fair cheek as a parting gesture. It had been worth it to see the older boy\'s lips turn up in a handsome smile that melted the discomfort off his face.

"Goodnight Artemus!" Syryn then closed the door to the coach and then watched the hounds bound off into the night, carrying off an anti mage who touched the spot on his cheek where the skin was still tingling from Syryn\'s kiss.

"Welcome home Syryn, Magnus and Lucien." The green-haired mage that opened the door to the house had a piece of dried bacon sticking out of his mouth. "The others haven\'t returned yet."

"Corvus, why are you blocking the door?" Syryn asked. The young mage was blockading the door with his body so that none of them could get inside.

"Alamandra is here," he replied, looking none too pleased about the presence of the girl. "I was told to warn you first if you arrived."

Magnus was immediately put off by the news. "Who told her about this place?" Alamandra would stalk him now that she was privy to his address. Magnus was livid.

"I don\'t know, maybe someone from the search party," Corvus shrugged. "Why can\'t you just tell her to fuck off?"

"I can\'t," Magnus let out a breath of annoyance. "Let me know when she\'s gone." And the fire mage walked away, keen to leave the premises. "I\'ll be in the basement catching some sleep."

Syryn was a bottomless well of curiosity when it came to the private affairs of the fire mage. Aside from the little information he had volunteered, Magnus was hiding so much. Who was Alamandra and why was Magnus avoiding her instead of teaching her a lesson about her creepy behaviour? Syryn marched into the house to find out.

Hair as bright as a cherry tree in blossom, Alamandra was conventionally very pretty. She was academically gifted, popular with her classmates, an active member of the charity club that frequently organised wellness drives for the orphans of the city, and even had an entire wall of honour dedicated to her at King Hill. She was also arrogant, used her status to her advantage and most likely participated in philanthropic activities only to look good in front of her peers.

"Alamandra, who invited you into my home?" Syryn boldly asked the pink-haired girl. She had been in conversation with another classmate, pointing to something outside the window.

"This isn\'t your home, Syryn. Shouldn\'t you be more grateful I came out all the way here to help you and your brother who I\'ve never even met?" Her smile was saccharine and it hurt Syryn\'s teeth.

"Debatable. But this IS my home, and now that I\'m here safe and sound, I\'d like you to leave." If Magnus disliked her, there had to be a good reason. Syryn naturally gave her the treatment she deserved.

Alamandra\'s smile remained fixed but it wasn\'t very friendly anymore. "Where is Magnus?"

"What do I know? I\'m not his mother."

"Yes, you\'re nobody to him. But I have a right to know where my fiance is, Syryn. What? He never told you?" Alamandra looked victorious at how surprised Syryn was. Magnus had a fiance that he was avoiding. It all made sense to Syryn now!

"I feel sorry for him. No wonder he never told me." The alchemist made a face like he had stepped on a bug.

Alamandra\'s smile brightened even more. "Doesn\'t matter, he\'s bound to me whether he likes it or not. I\'d like to see which girl would have the guts to try and entice him when he\'s got me."

Syryn decided it was an opportunity to fish for more information. If Magnus couldn\'t satisfy his curiosity, he would respect that by snooping around his friend\'s back.

"Why would you think you\'re good enough to marry him?" he asked the girl.

"Really Syryn, you\'re more ignorant than I thought. I\'m the daughter of chief Falk, who I\'m sure even you would know about. My noble blood is all that is enough to marry Magnus." She replied with the confidence of a huntress that had locked onto her dinner.

"Your father, the man who murdered the warrior Rojan, backstabbing him like a coward, that chief Falk?" Syryn asked not holding back his naked contempt.

Alamandra crossed her arms and held Syryn\'s eyes in a stare down that was impressively dominating. "The last time someone insulted my father, a few important lessons were taught. I understand you weren\'t around for it but you\'ll do well to heed this warning. Do not talk about the chief in such a tone. Ever again."

"Or what?" Syryn snorted. "How about you heed my words Alamandra, I don\'t give a shit. Creep around at my home again and I\'ll show you what it\'s like to have your fiance stolen from you."

"You?" Alamandra giggled. "Have you seen yourself?" She eyed him up and down. "Don\'t take this personally but you\'re plainer than a bowl of white rice."

"I\'m done here. Show yourself out before I remove you myself," Syryn replied. He had gleaned enough to know who Magnus was. Grandson of the late Warrior Rojan - ex-chief of the independent Augon kingdom - Magnus was practically royalty. It was a spicy piece of information that still had blanks to be filled in, in good time, of course.

His warning finally hit home and the pink-haired girl decided to play it safe. Drake was hovering around them looking concerned and she couldn\'t really make a fuss with the prince around.

"Stay safe Syryn," she singsonged and sashayed off to where her friend was trying in vain to get Corvus\' attention.

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