My House of Horrors

Chapter 1130 - Let Me Faint, Please! 2 in 1

Chapter 1130 Let Me Faint, Please! 2 in 1

Ma Feng’s trembling hands lightly held that cold face. The strands of hair fell on his eyes and lips. The authenticity of the sense of touch made his heart skip a beat. The blood trickled down the strands of hair and fell on his eyelashes. At that moment, he felt like he was not inside a haunted house but was in an actual horror story. To escape the murderer, he was forced to hide together with the murderer’s victim. The coppery smell of blood permeated the air, and the sound of suppressed breathing could be heard echoing in the quietness around him. Ma Feng had no idea where the killer was. Perhaps the monster covered in fresh blood was just squatting beside him, waiting for him to come out from underneath the bed.

Nudging his body with difficulty, Ma Feng slowly moved his hands away from the presumed dead body. He was about to leave this place when suddenly someone yanked off the bed board!

This caused the ropes that held the body to loosen, and the dead body that was strapped under the bed fell directly on Ma Feng!


The limbs of the dead body were twisted into strange angles, and the blood splashed all over Ma Feng’s body. The first close and direct contact with a dead body snapped the rationality of Ma Feng’s mind. Ma Feng’s first instinct was to crawl out, so he pushed his hands against the floor and tried to get up. In the nervousness of the moment, he forgot that the bed board had been moved earlier. Once he lifted his head, his head rammed directly into the board of the bed. The loud bang caused the whole bed to tremble. Ma Feng’s mind was a blur. Just as he was about to collapse again, he felt someone reach out to steady him.

“Brother Ma, are you alright?” Xiao Sun held the edge of the bed with one hand, and his other hand supported Ma Feng. He had been given a fright earlier as well. Holding his head, Ma Feng’s lips were trembling. He was silent for a very long time. The fear that was brought on by the darkness was indescribable. He was unable to see anything, and that caused even everyday things to bring him immense terror.

Should I give up now? Ma Feng gritted his teeth and then yanked heavily on his hair. He then used his eyes to sweep the darkness around him. Perhaps that Chen fellow is currently hiding inside the surveillance room watching me. I am sure he is keeping his eyes on me. Seeing how flustered I am, oh, how hard he must be laughing. He is waiting for me to give up, waiting for me to beg him to bring me out of this place.

His fingers curled into a fist. Ma Feng was not satisfied with that thought.

“Brother Ma, you can do it! Even though the challenge of this haunted house is a bit difficult, trust me. We still have a chance of escaping from this place.” Sun Xiaojun felt rather sorry looking at the bruise on Ma Feng’s head. If he did not go and move the bed board earlier, the dead body would not have fallen on the man. “Brother Ma, please do not give up. Life is like a cup of tea. The first few sips might be bitter, but it won’t be bitter forever.”

“Are you trying to console me?” Ma Feng forced his face to squeeze out a smile. “Don’t you worry, I will not be defeated so easily.”

The two of them supported each other and found their way into the living room by walking along the wall. But before they could even get out from the house, the sound of the cats’ shrill calls came from the corridor.

“Why is it happening again‽ What is coming this time‽” Ma Feng was sweating bullets. He leaned his back against the wall and swiftly found his way to another bedroom. This time, he pushed the bedroom door open silently and slipped right through it before closing the door behind him. “From the beginning, I should not have trusted anyone. I will be much safer inside the room alone.”

Ma Feng could not care less about the safety of Xiao Sun. He squatted behind the door and held his hand over his mouth, waiting silently for the cats’ cries to disappear. He waited for a whole minute. Cold sweat slid down Ma Feng’s forehead and down the tip of his nose before finally reaching his chin. Not only did the cats’ calls did not disappear, they started to appear inside the bedroom he was in, and the shrieks only got louder and more varied, as if more than one cat had snuck into the room with him.

“Why? How did they get in?” Ma Feng felt like he was being surrounded by cats, and the cats were being cruelly tortured. Their wails were spine-chilling and harrowing. He wanted to go to the corner of the room to hide, but when he moved his feet, he realized that the feeling underneath his shoes was soft and cushiony. This room appeared to be carpeted. A bad feeling arose in his heart. Ma Feng reached out to touch the ‘carpet’ underneath his feet. The cat’s fur was matted together with blood and formed squares of ghastly evidence of what had happened inside this room. The whole room appeared to be filled with the remains of the cats that had been murdered there.

Chills crawled up his spine to the top of his head. Ma Feng brushed his hands madly against his body. He desperately wanted to brush away the cat fur and blood that had stuck to his fingertips. His disgust and annoyance appeared to have instigated the angry spirit of these dead cats further. The resentment gathered inside the room. The cats’ furs that were placed under his feet suddenly started to move. Cats that should have been dead appeared to crawl out from the sea of fur. Their eyes blinked in the dark. The wounds that were left on their bodies by their torturer were leaking body. Ma Feng felt his body was slowly sinking as the cats jumped on him. He felt like he was about to be swallowed by the bodies of these dead cats.

“Save me! Save me! Help! Xiao Sun! Save me!” Endless darkness swallowed him. One dead cat after another leaped onto his body. They pressed heavily against him. He screamed loudly for help. Ma Feng had lost all composure. Every cell inside his body was pleading for mercy.


The room door was pushed open, and a pair of hands dragged Ma Feng out from the pile of cats’ bodies.

“Brother Ma, why did you run into that room on your own?” Xiao Sun asked nervously. The Ma Feng before him was like a completely different person from the Ma Feng that first entered the haunted house. The prideful glow in his eyes had disappeared, and only fear and anxiety were left on his face.

“I...” Ma Feng spat out the cat’s fur inside his mouth. He collapsed to the ground. He waved his arm weakly in the direction where Xiao Sun’s voice came from. “I was just searching for a random room to hide in.”

“Then, you were indeed quite lucky.” Xiao Sun knew the secrets of this room. This house should be the house for Ying Chen and his brother, Ying Tong. The first room that Ma Feng hid in was Ying Chen’s bedroom, and the second room that he tried was the room where Ying Chen tortured those poor cats. Now, Xiao Sun did not dare let Ma Feng stay in this place anymore because the third room that was left unexplored should be Ying Tong’s bedroom. That room had some very scary dolls inside it.

“Brother Ma, how about we leave this place first? This house is not that safe.” Xiao Sun was trying to help Ma Feng out of the kindness of his heart. He was hoping that through his show of kindness, he would be able to ameliorate the relationship between the futuristic theme park and New Century Park.

“How about... actually never mind. We can just stay here.” The higher the pedestal one placed one on, the more devastated one would be when the pedestal was knocked down. This was the first time Ma Feng had felt so helpless and lost in his life.

“It will be more dangerous if we stay here!” Xiao Sun grabbed Ma Feng by his arm. “If we stay in one place, nothing will ever change. Only by continuously moving forward will we have a chance at survival.”

Inspired by the passion and honesty in Xiao Sun’s words, Ma Feng bit on his lips. He was reminded of his former self who would never throw in the towel. Some strength returned to his body, and Ma Feng slowly crawled up from the ground. “You are right. A good sword is formed after being sharpened thousands of times. It might be painful now, but once everything is over, looking back, all of this will be valuable lesson.”

“That’s the spirit.” Xiao Sun nodded heavily in agreement. “The cats’ calls have already stopped. Let’s use this opportunity and start moving.”

The two carefully moved out from the room and slowly moved while keeping close to the wall.

“That room was too dangerous. I hope we never come back to that place.” At the end of the day, Ma Feng was now the head of a theme park. Even though he was not looking the part with cat fur all over his clothes, he managed to quickly adjust his attitude and mind.

“I also do not wish to come back to this place again.” Xiao Sun and Ma Feng soon arrived at the mouth of the staircase. With one on the right and the other on the left, one holding the stair banister and the other touching the wall, they walked adjacent to each other down the stairs.

“You need to slow down. I cannot keep up with you.” Ma Feng walked very slowly because he was afraid of tripping. However, Xiao Sun ran very fast as if the darkness had no influence on him at all.

“The staircase is the most dangerous territory. There are no rooms nearby for us to hide in, so we need to pick up our speed lest we are surrounded by ghos...” Before Xiao Sun could even finish his sentence, the cats started meowing on the corridor from the upper floor as if this whole thing had been rehearsed before.

“Have you been jinxed in your previous life?” Ma Feng’s mind that had just stabilized itself started to crumble again. He grabbed the banister of the stairs. He did not dare move back up the stairs, but the idea of going further down the stairs scared him as well. He felt alone and helpless and grabbed the banister tightly like it was his last lifeline.

“We must not stay here! We need to leave as soon as possible!” Xiao Sun helped Ma Feng move down the stairs. He originally was not that desperate, but he soon noticed that it appeared to have started raining inside the building. Sticky blood slid down the roof of the building, and a cloud of despair floated up from the lower floor.

Sister Raincoat‽

If he ran into other ghosts, he would at most be given a fright, but Xiao Sun had no idea what would happen if they ran into the red raincoat.

“We need to go! Now! Hurry!”

Even at that moment, Xiao Sun was a man of his word. He knew it was very unsafe to leave Ma Feng on the staircase alone, so he wanted to bring Ma Feng with him. But the problem was, earlier, he was dragging Ma Feng down the stairs with him, but now that he sensed the red raincoat was coming up the stairs, he changed his direction and wanted to drag Ma Feng up the stairs. Unable to see anything, Ma Feng had no idea what Xiao Sun was up to at all. He felt his body being turned around. His left leg tripped on his right leg, and he fell onto the stairs and rolled down the steps like a sack of potatoes.

“Brother Ma?” Xiao Sun reached out to shield Ma Feng’s head from knocking into the corner of the wall. Seeing that the red raincoat was coming, Xiao Sun had no choice but to go into hiding. “Wait for me here!”

“I...” With stars floating before his eyes, Ma Feng lay supine on the stairs. He raised his arm and wanted to surrender when an extremely eerie and cold presence overwhelmed his body. The chill soaked into his bones. Ma Feng found himself unable to speak. His face was green, and his arms were shaking greatly on their own. Bloody raindrops fell on his body. Ma Feng felt someone step over him. This one step made him feel like his body was about to splinter into pieces. Cowering inside the cold and dark staircase, surrounded by darkness and unknown ghosts, Ma Feng could feel hot tears stinging his face. He could not control his emotions. The feeling arose from the depth of his heart. “I cannot play this game any longer. It does not matter how embarrassing it will be anymore. I need to leave this place...”

After that extremely cold presence disappeared, Xiao Sun’s voice appeared again. “Brother Ma, are you alright?”

“I do not think I am alright. There is this thought in my mind. I think I want to...” Ma Feng wanted to give up, but he would not voice that intention out loud and ask Chen Ge to come help him. The man had always been proud and headstrong; he could not cross the threshold in his mind.

“Brother Ma, actually, you have done very well.” Xiao Sun was able to see the current state that Ma Feng was in. After being subjected to so many heavy mental blows, Ma Feng was still able to communicate normally with him. This was out of Xiao Sun’s expectations. “I once read in a book that you will be able to see how powerful a person really is at the lowest point in their life. Brother Ma, you are one of the staunchest and strongest people I have ever met.”

Once Xiao Sun gave him such praise, Ma Feng found it even more difficult to voice his intention to give up. He could only nod silently.

“Brother Ma, believe me, we can escape from this place. At the end of the day, the worst result is nothing more than failure. Some people are waiting for failure, and some look down on failure, but others still cannot escape from failure even though they have given it their all. In this kind of environment, how we see things is the light within every single one of us. If you allow the failure to knock you down, you have no one but yourself to blame, but you need to understand that only you yourself can prevent yourself from being overwhelmed by the failure. Brother Ma, believe in yourself. I know you can do it!”

On the staircase, there was no nearby room for them to hide in. This was the most dangerous place, so Xiao Sun wanted to bring Ma Feng away from this place as soon as possible. In this cold and dark world, Xiao Sun’s words of inspiration were like a ray of light that shone into Ma Feng’s heart.

Ma Feng, who was lying on the ground, was reminded of his younger self. The headstrong personality actually hid the sense of self-doubt in his heart. He needed to find a way to use his own weakness; only then he would be able to fly further and higher. His finger grabbed the iron banister, and Ma Feng slowly crawled up from the ground. “Defeats is the fee that you have to pay in order to achieve success. This is just a small hurdle in the road. There is nothing to worry about.”

“Brother Ma, I know you can do it!” Xiao Sun gave Ma Feng a thumbs up even though he knew that Ma Feng would not be able to see it. “The staircase is not safe. We need to go down to the next floor.”

They reached the next floor successfully. Ma Feng felt like his soul had reached the state of nirvana. When he stepped on firm ground around, he could feel his heart becoming stronger. “There is no difficulty that can knock me down, and there is no hurdle that I cannot overcome. They will only make me stronger.”

With a bruise on his head, his mind abuzz, and his body almost shattering, Ma Feng held the wall and limped forward.

“These few lower floors should be quite safe...”

“Shush!” When Ma Feng heard Xiao Sun say that, he almost jumped out of his skin. “Whenever you say something like that, something bad happens. Refrain from giving your own opinions anymore. Sometimes, you need to learn to keep your thoughts to yourself.”

“Alright, fine. Someone used to tell the exact same thing. Looks like it is really my fault.”

“Someone used to tell you the exact same thing?”

“Yes, but now I am the only sole survivor of that incident. Everyone else in that building has died.” Xiao Sun accidentally let slip the truth. When he realized that, he quickly covered it up with a few dry laughs. “That was just a joke. Don’t take it too seriously.”

Xiao Sun’s words caused Ma Feng’s heart to crawl with anxiety. He silently moved away from Xiao Sun. Just as the two separated from each other, the shrill cats’ calls appeared in the corridor again.

“Not this again!” Whenever Ma Feng heard the meowing of cats, he could feel his legs turning into noodles. He pretended that he was strong, but actually, his inner defense had been shattered into pieces.

“Don’t just stand there! Find a place to hide!” Xiao Sun urged the Ma Feng. The latter sought aimlessly in the darkness when his arm knocked into something that appeared like a closet. He did not consider why something like a closet would appear in a corridor. He directly opened the door and went hiding inside it before the cats’ calls came closer.

Closing the door, Ma Feng hugged the brooms and mops that he found inside the closet and held his breath. The shrill cats’ calls and heavy footsteps appeared at the same time; they were heading toward Ma Feng. They came closer and closer. Ma Feng gritted his teeth to stop himself screaming. His face was twisted due to extreme nervousness. Please don’t come here. Please don’t come here. Please don’t come here...

Perhaps God had heard his prayers because the cats’ call slowly moved away. Ma Feng’s heart fell back down to his stomach, but just as he was about to let go of the breath he was holding, those strange and heavy footsteps did not disappear with the cats’ calls. After they had walked away, they turned back before finally stopping before the closet. The sound of falling footsteps had disappeared. Ma Feng held his pose and did not dare move. After a whole minute, he slowly reached out, intending to push open the closet door, but before he touched the door, he heard a loud bang!

The closet door was yanked open, and the chilly winds surged into it, carrying with it the stinging smell of blood. Ma Feng’s body lurched back instinctually, causing the back of his head to knock into the wooden board behind him. The mops and brooms clattered noisily to the ground. Ma Feng curled up his body. He felt like a mountain of flesh had stopped before him, and he would be crushed the next second. The pressure made him feel like he was being asphyxiated. The already dark and despairing world started to spin, and his consciousness reached its limit.

Is it finally over‽

At that moment, Ma Feng felt the sweet nectar of salvation. He stopped resisting and peacefully closed his eyes.

“Brother Ma? Brother Ma‽” Xiao Sun’s voice rang beside his ears like a drum. Ma Feng felt someone pinch the top of his lips. He was forced to suck in a reviving breath, and his eyes flew open again.

“You frightened me. I thought you really fainted.” Xiao Sun helped Ma Feng up. “Brother Ma, the corridor is not safe. We cannot stay here for too long.”

“Xiao Sun, Brother Sun, can you please put me down? Please... I am begging you!”

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