Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 43

When they turned back to see who it was, they saw a group of security personal walking toward them . The fatty who had yelled at them was walking before the group . As they approached, everyone there, including the fatty, had their eyes fixed on Xie Yuqing . Xie Yuqing felt theirs gaze and reacted angrily, “Police business, go away!”

“Police? Hehe, how can such a beauty like you be an officer?” chortled the fat security guy, “Show me your badge then . ”

Xie Yuqing sinisterly smiled and told him, “Come over then . ”

The fat security guy happily approached her to take a better look at her . The fatty had a big grin on his face, as he walked joyfully toward Xue Yuqing . Ye Shaoyang shook his head in despair, as he stood behind her . He knew what was going to happen next . Xie Yuqing took out her badge and was about to hand it to him . Abruptly, she grabbed the fat security guard’s hand . The fatty thought, Wow, I like this . But before he could fully indulge in the moment, Xie Yuqing had already launched a roundhouse kick to his stomach .

“How dare you harass me! Are you looking to die?!” threatened Xie Yuqing .

The fatty squirmed on the ground and held his stomach in great pain . After a brief respite, the fatty finally looked up at Xie Yuqing and said, “You… how dare you kick me!” Xie Yuqing walked over and showed the fatty her badge . Then,she taped his shoulder and said, “Well, you were the one who acted like an a*shole, so I had to defend myself . If you have any objections, you can come with me to the police station . ”

The fatty looked at the police badge and immediately realized what he got himself into . Immediately, the fatty shook his head and gestured with his hands . Then, he said, “Officer, please let me go, I’ll never do it again . ”

Xie Yuqing grinned menacingly and asked, “So, what is your mission?”

“Yes, officer . Our mission is to patrol the area around dormitory four and prevent any students from witnessing the sorcerer that the school hired .

“Oh,” Xie Yuqing nodded her head . Then, she immediately looked at him with a stern face and said, “So what are you waiting for, go do your job!”

“Yes, right away,” the fatty quickly got up and led the security group away . He did not dare to look back at Xie Yuqing . This result pleased Xie Yuqing . She turned back and found two dumbfounded young men, so she asked, “What are you guys looking at?”

“That was perfect,” Ye Shaoyang gave her a thumbs up, but he thought to himself, Even though this female officer is pretty and hot, she has a very bad temper . I better be careful when I deal with her in the future .

Finally, the hired sorcerer arrived after they waited for some time . He stood in the middle of the group like the leader, as he acted high and mighty . “Let’s stand back for a bit and not attract people’s attention,” Xie Yuqing reminded them . As such, the three of them moved back, and they stood closer to the bunch of security guards . Ye Shaoyang took a cursory glance backward and saw that the group of security guards had their sights glued to Xie Yuqing’s back .

The hired sorcerer was also a Daoist . He was in his fifties, and he dressed very similarly to Zhuge Liang . He held

a Chinese feather fan in one hand, as he lightly sauntered around . A young man dressed in Daoist clothing closely followed behind him . This fellow looked like his disciple . He carried a big bag and also had a very arrogant expression .

“Wow, they seem like powerful Daoist masters!” some of the security guards cheered and praised .

“Why dress up like Zhuge Liang to trick people?” Ye Shaoyang shook his head and continued, “And how is Zhuge Liang related to Daoism?

The group finally arrived at the open field of dormitory four . Then, one of the school workers introduced them to the location, “Master Liu, this is the haunted building in our school . Please help us to destroy the spirits inside . ” The sorcerer tucked in his sleeves . Then, he took two steps forward and pointed at the pair of metal doors that the metal chains and a lock secured . There was an old talisman paper on the metal door .

“Open the metal doors,” ordered the sorcerer in a very confident tone .

The school worker hesitated slightly, but he eventually took out the keys and handed them to the sorcerer . The man in turn handed it to his young disciple . The young man went over and opened the metal doors . Then, a strong gust of Yin Qi blew out from the door . Everyone in the crowd shivered and took a few steps back . The sorcerer ordered his young disciple to open the bag and take out an incense burner table and an incense burner . He placed the items so that they directlyfaced the doors . Next, the sorcerer poured some glutinous rice into the incense burner and stuck three sticks of incense into the burner . He held a peach wood sword and pointed it toward the sky and chanted, “I, master Liu of the Tiger Lion Sect, I now bring the divine orders to destroy all evil!”

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, unable to accept the cringe he felt .

Then, the Sorcerer became even more ridiculous . He wielded the wooden sword and started to dance . He jumped up and down, as he made strange noises . His movements were funny and bizarre, yet his face was stern and solemn . This combination gave people the impression that he was really performing sorcery . Ye Shoayang stood and watched him for a full ten minutes . Finally, the man ended his pointless ritual . The sorcerer revealeda yellow talisman paper and grabbed the pen that his young disciple had handed to him . He drew something on it and chanted, “Answer to me now, the thunder gods of heaven, annihilate all evil and restore justice!”

With a shake of his hand, the talisman paper flew toward the doors of dormitory four . When it arrived, it hovered above the door . Suddenly, a loud rumble shattered the silence, and a human figure emerged below the talisman paper .

Everyone in the crowd screamed

and quickly moved back .

“The spirit has appeared . Do not panic, for it will not be able to beat my Thunder Talisman Paper!” declared the sorcerer with confidence . Even though there was not any light, there was still an audible rumble . The human figure also seemed to be in great pain and occasionally let out pained screams . This scene puzzled Xiao Ma, so he tapped Ye Shaoyang’s shoulder and asked, “Brother Shaoyang, didn’t you say he was a fake Daoist?But the thing he is performing seemspretty legit . ”

“Well, this guy is probably an outer disciple of one of the Daoist sects . He probably learned some tricks and has come out to cheat people . That spirit that he is fighting doesn’t even belong here . He probably sealed it into his talisman paper and is only using it now to cheat the school . ”

Instead of transcending captured spirits, this fellow used them to cheat people . This was a very unnatural affair and went against the heavenly order . Ye Shaoyang stroked his chin, as he tried to think of a way to punish this fake sorcerer .

At this moment, thunder reverberated through the air with an even greater volume . The spirit was struckto the ground . “See everyone? I’ve subdued this evil spirit,” the sorcerer happily chanted and sealed the spirit into the talisman paper . Then, he said, “I’ll transcend it afterward and solve the problem once and for all . ”

“Fantastic!” the crowd cheered and yelled . As they were untrained,they were simply amazed at this so-called sorcery that this man had performed . The sorcerer was still enjoying his moment, as he stroked his beard .

Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang tapped his back and looked at the fake sorcerer with an odd expression, “Master Liu, something is not right . There is still another spirit . ” These words terrifiedthe sorcerer, andhe looked all around . However, he saw nothing . Then,he angrily rebuked Ye Shaoyang, “What are you talking about; there is no spirit!”

“I’m not lying . See that talisman paper coming our way? Didn’t spirits cause that?”

Sure enough, the Thunder Talisman Paper flew over and stopped right above the fake sorcerer . Before he could make sense of the current events, a crackle of thunder tore through the air and struck his head . He yelled out in pain and kneeled on the floor . This sight stunned the crowd . Why did the sorcerer’s thunder strike himself?

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