Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 385 385 The Big Three

Chapter 385 Chapter 385 The Big Three

Night came swiftly and this was met by the excitement of countless people.

One should know that the population of this 769th Heavenly Expedition has already broken 1 trillion in number.

It was only natural for chorus and noise to arise on a daily basis. All the more at this very special moment.

"Are you sure we\'re allowed to come, Clark?" Xu Ai asked in doubt.

At this time, she was already in the 10th Stage of Innate Realm but that has not at all given her much confidence to join such a grand feast called as the Gathering of Champions.

Judging by the name alone, Xu Ai felt unworthy for the occasion.

"Of course you can, Xu Ai. A warrior may stand alone in battle but never in a celebration."

"I need my beautiful wives to be there by my side." Clark comforted one of his women.

Xu Ai was really not to be blamed for feeling this way since she was used to being an inferior servant for the most part of her life.

Unlike Qin Ran and Shi Ling who belonged to rich families since birth and Han Bei who was able to forge her own path in an alien city, Xu Ai remained timid and weak in the face of changes.

Perhaps the boldest move she had made in her life was when she presented herself to become part of Clark\'s harem.

And other than her skills on the bed, Xu Ai has stayed stagnant in her growth. But our bored gamer knew that Xu Ai shall overcome this certain characteristic of hers with time.

"We should get going now. I\'m very much looking forward to how they are going to compensate me for my troubles." Clark nudged his wives gently.

After that, he merely commanded his Fortress of Love with a single thought and the tent on the outside changed into an outstanding carriage pulled by 2 white stallions.

All the passengers were seated comfortably thereafter even without going out from the confines of the magical tent.

The cultivators from the Han, Xu, Qin, Shi and Ren noticed this change with alarm and so they saluted at once to their leader.

"Take care, Senior Clark!"

"We shall await your honorable return, Senior!"

"Show them all who\'s boss, Senior!"

"Remember to ask for interest from the Dark Dragon Sect, Senior Clark!"

Myriad greetings followed and some were quite open than most which has also brought a smile on our bored gamer\'s lips. To this, Clark has only these words to say...

"I will remember all your wise words." The mystical carriage then flew into the night without ado.

* * *

The trip was short but never boring. Our good gamer and company passed by a trillion people and they seemed like a legion of ants down below.

Before long, the flying vehicle arrived unto a legendary sect in this xianxia world. There were tall mountains as high as the clouds itself and a scenery that could only be conjured in fantasy.

The Dark Dragon Sect was a picture of heaven on earth at this particular time.

The spiritual essence in the atmosphere was so rich that even the stray grass in the ground could be considered a valuable treasure in the eyes of mortals.

"This is a nice place." Our bored gamer was the first one to comment while his 4 women laid dumbstruck in awe for a few minutes.

The 4 could not imagine that something like this marvelous place could exist in real life.

Even Shi Ling who had seen the wonders of the Wandering Wind Sect still paled in shock at the great natural wealth of this lofty influence. Everything just seemed so exaggerated!

"I hear that there\'s a guardian beast in the sect, Clark."

"An Ancient Dragon that\'s already more than 2 million years old!" Qin Ran said at the side.

She has heard this particular talk from the people of Aurora and was extremely shocked by this unbelievable gossip.

"Perhaps it is true. Or maybe it\'s only rubbish. We may never know." Our bored gamer answered. He tried using his Ring of Remedies and put his pseudo divine sense at play.

Alas, Clark could not pierce the complex formations on the place. He could only give up such a useless endeavor in the end.

"THUD!" The carriage landed and 5 people went out from it.

"BLINK!" The vehicle along its soulless horses disappeared without a trace. The Fortress of Love was of course stored safely in the inventory of our very own protagonist.

This was the greatest safeguard against theft of any kind after all.

"Good evening, Fellow Daoist Clark!"

"I am called..." More than a dozen old monsters and ugly witches welcomed our bored gamer. It was clear that this group was awaiting for his entrance.

Every single one of them was at the 10th Stage of Enlightened Realm. These were the top guns of the 4 outer continents!

To this, Clark could only sigh and exchange some empty banter with these aged kids. The pleasantries were endless but their quest was luckily not.

It did not take them long to arrive at a huge luxurious hall that could easily accommodate several million souls all at once.

They found their seats and were offered expensive wine at the get go. Talks flourished but almost everyone focused their attention at the main table in the forefront.

There were only 6 occupants in there. The 3 were too young and so was directly ignored by Clark. He instead laid his eyes more of the real big 3 of this affair.

Two old men and one very exquisite lady.

Amongst the 3, an old man sat with a bandaged face. It was obvious that his wound never healed after all this time.

This was a familiar someone that our bored gamer had met once in the past.

\'So we meet again. To your health!\' Our bored gamer mouthed the words out and raised his glass in greeting.

Although Clark and his 1 time acquaintance were practically 100 yards away from each other but this action registered well enough unto the old man.

"Bastard!" The wounded old man spat out under his breath. This old man was none other than Long Min of course.

"Ignore him." The Cloud Emperor advised.

"He is interesting." Another voice commented and this one was surprisingly not another old man. It belonged to a beautiful woman instead.

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