Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 243 243 Troll Fee

Chapter 243 Chapter 243 Troll Fee

"What are you smiling about?" Amber asked on the side. They were only walking for a few minutes but she could feel something different about her boyfriend.

Clark was pretty excited about something and it showed well enough in his demeanor. He was whistling a happy jolly sound and was even dancing mildly to the beat of the music he created.

"Ahhh... It\'s nothing, Amber. I\'m just happy that I get to see you again today. One month away from each other is quite a hellish experience for me. Let\'s make up for lost times, shall we?"

Clark lied and the eternal smile on his face remained ever present.

"Are you lying to me?" Amber was still doubtful. Something was really bothering her. Although she could not determine the reason why but that did not at all matter for her.

Amber trusted her feelings.

\'FUCK ME! A woman\'s intuition is really pretty scary!\' Our bored gamer could only exclaim inside.

"Me? Lie?! Impossible, Amber. That would not happen in a million years and more! Come. We\'re going to get late for our first class." Clark dodged the sticky situation with finesse.

They were about a few meters from the entrance of the school when something unexpected dashed impossibly fast behind our avid gamer.

"Amber, for the first time since we met, we could finally experience how to become classmates in one classroom. I bet that it would be a lot fun and..."

Clark was of course wise enough to distract the attention of his girlfriend unto him. Behind him, a scene of murder was taking place in silence.

"POOF!" An agile shadow scattered in a mess of red. The pitiful liquefied remains stayed there for half a breath before it was gone in but an instant. Leaving behind no evidence of the crime.

This was of course not our bored gamer\'s doing. If he did, a more catastrophic result would have occurred.

Unlike Blood Twin who has absolute domain on this Earth, the job of disposing an unseen Assassin was very easy indeed.

\'Hmmm... They truly never learn, do they?\' Clark mused inside.

The unknown assailant was a hired gun from an active contract that paid billions of dollars in cash should they complete the assignment.

The men behind this scheme were of course long dead. Thomas Blake and company.

They wanted to avenge the fate of their injured brethren Marvin Blake but they did not know that this action alone would provide a quick death to their house.

They were indeed dead fools in the end. Now, only Marvin remained as the head of the Blake Family.

But seeing as he needed to recuperate for at least 1 year of healing and regeneration, our bored gamer had no choice but to contend with these contracted killers.

Clark was not at all that heartless to kick a man when he was down. That was absolutely outside of our good gamer\'s character. If and when Marvin would regain his former self.

Or at least a fraction of it with his broken psyche in tow, maybe that would be the time when these senseless killings would stop also.

* * *

Somewhere deep beneath the Earth Defense Academy, a room full of experts reviewed the scene from up above them for the umpteenth time.

Of a man disintegrating into bits and pieces before he vanished into parts unknown.

"How strong is that boy really, Marco?" A beautiful woman asked on the side.

"Same as the last thousand times of my answer, Yvet. Clark Colter is just a level 10 supernatural."

Marco said and it did not need saying that he was truly tired of telling the same thing over and over again. And yet he did because he was too afraid of his superior also.

"But that\'s impossible! The strength that he showed during the dungeon battle against that boy Marvin Blake is absolutely beyond the power of just a level 10 supernatural. And i can\'t believe that a low level player like him could also subdue and command that terrifying old man!"

Yvet said in length after the camera focused on a bowed old man in the discreet background near the premises of the Academy.

Everyone inside this Supernatural Management Agency command center all believed that this mysterious old man was the one who slaughtered the hapless assassin who tried to take the life of Clark Colter a few minutes prior.

The poor man did not even leave behind a meat paste to remember that he once existed in this world. He was just gone!

"I don\'t know what to say, Yvet. Everything about this boy Clark Colter can\'t be explained. Maybe he\'s an alien or something. Maybe he\'s the son of a fallen Olympian God and he\'s here to..."

Marco replied in exasperation that he began telling theories that were too far fetched to be accepted.

"But that\'s totally ins...!" Yvet exclaimed once Marco finished delivering tall tales left and right but she was mercilessly interrupted for any further outburst.

"Enough! Continue to record every movement of our target. I don\'t want to miss a single detail of his stay inside the Academy." A deep voice gave a stern warning to every personnel.

"We hear you, General!"

"Yes, General Wayne!"

"We will do our job, General!" Silence reigned next and it would take one to have the balls of steel to create any ruckus whatsoever after that.

\'The Blake and the Price Family are in ruins. And all that connects those two is this boy Clark Colter. What a headache!\' General Wayne sighed.

Even if he wanted to, he really could not justify facing this unknown foe head on. It would be catastrophic to say the least.

This was why for now, all the SMA was doing was complete surveillance. Other than that, they need lots and lots of patience.

* * *

"Hey fuck face, leave an entrance fee of 10 Game Points behind!"

"You can go forward unimpeded after that. Resist and you will be crushed!" A group of five young men barred the way in the huge gates of the academy.

All around them, a scene that was similar to this one was happening all over the place. It seemed that this was quite an organized toll fee business.

"What if i say no?" Our bored gamer asked the group and within seconds, an atmosphere of tension descended around them.

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